Tuesday, January 24, 2012

If Clouds were Waiters

That's not what I ordered.
I've repeated myself thrice.
I've been waiting quite a while now,
and all you've got me is water with some ice.
I asked for snow, rather politely, if I remember.
And sometime this winter would be nice!


Angika said...

So nice :) Specially the art.

Koffee beanzz said...

Tres tres bien :) And..thats the London 'aayi' in the background, i guess :)

sujaan said...

@binny, yep, mother of london :P

little boxes said...

sounds so brit!
love the art

silent_rebel said...

Very nice Art, but isnt the london bus red, or I am not seeing it right?

sujaan said...

at least 2 of the buses are somewhat red, senthil :) the other two are not red on purpose

Dhananjay Chaturvedi said...

People got very comfortable with snow in Dallas over the last two years. It was the most snow to fall in nearly a century. I guess its the reverse for you. Love the snow fractals.